( Under Dioceses of Kolkata, Church of North India )

158, Belilious Road, Bantra, Howrah, 711 101.

Bantra St. Thomas' Home Welfare Society

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German Consulate General, representatives from Indo-German Chamber of Commerce and representatives from GDC, introducing themselves during their visit.

German Consulate General and all other visitors are welcomed by Mrs. Monika Naik, Secretary of Bantra St. Thomas’ Home Welfare Society (BSTHWS).

Secretary of BSTHWS, describing to the visitors about the activities of this home for the indoor patients.

Dr. Tobias Vogt and Dr. Mita Roy, describing about the treatment of outdoor and PPM patients.

German Consulate General, watching a sample in microscope at the laboratory of BSTHWS

All the visitors are informed about the laboratory activities by the Lab.Technician of BSTHWS

Dr. Tobias Vogt, showing to the visitors the vaccines, used for Immunization Programme

Dr. Tobias Vogt, describing to the visitors success story of a indoor (1st floor ward) patient

Secretary, Mrs. Naik, showing to the visitors the handcraft works of indoor patients

Dr. Tobias, showing to the visitors a case history of one indoor (Ground floor ward) patient

German Consulate General, helping an indoor patient to reach her bed

Mr. R. Naik, Administrator, BSTHWS and German Consulate General

The visitors from Rotary Club of Calcutta are welcomed and felicitated by Mrs. Monika Naik, Secretary of BSTHWS

Secretary of BSTHWS, describing to the visitors about the Indoor and Outdoor activities of this home

Visitors are introduced with Indoor patients and their handcraft works

Sri Gautam Talukdar, O.C. of Bantra P.S. with other officers felicitating Mr. Raghab Naik, Adminstrator and Mrs. Monika Naik, Secretary of BSTHWS for the charitable service of this organization

O.C. and other officers of Bantra P.S. also brought various food items for the patients, admitted here

On behalf of BSTHWS Mr. & Mrs. Naik, felicitating Sri Talukdar and other officers for their kindness